How to Train Your Dog to Come to You (Let Your Dog Come)

How to Train Your Dog to Come to You (Let Your Dog Come)? – Dog Training (3)

1.Important password: Determine an important password, such as “come here”, which is used to let the dog return to you, which is related to the safety of the dog.

2.Indoor training: conduct training indoors or in your own yard to reduce interference, and use a leashabout two meters long to concentrate the dog’s attention and prevent it from running away.

3.Attract attention: Use things the dog likes, gestures or sounds to attract the dog’s attention, let it run towards you, and praise and encourage.

Below we will explain in detail the specific steps of this dog training method

You need to induce and reward the dog to understand and follow instructions, use gestures and voice commands, and combine gestures and voice commands to make the dog better understand your intentions.

1.The password “come here” is very important. You can use it whenever you want the dog to come back to you. This may be related to the safety of the dog. For example, you can call the dog back when it runs away.

2.In order to reduce interference, dog training is generally carried out indoors, or in your own yard; tie a two-meter leash to the dog, so that you can concentrate its attention and prevent it from running away.

3.First of all, you have to attract the dog’s attention and let it run towards you. You can use anything your dog likes, gestures, or sounds to get your dog’s attention, such as a barking toy, calling his name, etc. You can even open your hands to it. You can also try running for a short distance and then stop, the dog may chase you by itself; praise or act happy to encourage the dog to run towards you.

4.Praise and reward: Once the dog runs in front of you, press the clicker in time, praise it happily and give rewards; as before, add the “come” command after the dog consciously runs to you. Praise it when it responds to the command, and repeat the command “come” to reinforce the dog’s understanding and response to the command.

5.Transfer to a public place: When the dog can understand and respond to the password well, it means that it has learned the password. At this time, transfer the training venue from home to a public place that is more easily distracted, such as a park, and continue to train the “come” command.

Because this password may save the dog’s life, it must learn to obey it in any environment.

6.Increase the difficulty and distance: gradually increase the length of the leash to allow the dog to run back from a longer distance; try training without a leash, but it must be done in a closed place, which can increase the recall distance; you can let your companions join the training. You and him stand in different places, take turns shouting the password, and let the dog run back and forth between the two of you.

7.Continuous reinforcement training: Because the command “come” is very important, the reward for completing it should be the most generous. Let the training of the command “come” be the first moment for your dog, and you must continue to consolidate the training throughout the dog’s life.

Repeat the command during your usual walks, or keep some treats in the bag, use the command when recall is needed, and reward the dog for a timely response.

8.Don’t let the command “come here” be associated with any negative emotions.

No matter how upset you are, never get angry when you say “come here.” Even if your dog breaks off the leash and wanders off for five minutes, be sure to praise him if he responds to you when you say “come here.” Because what you praise is always the last thing it does, and the last thing it does at this time is to run towards you.

Don’t criticize it after it runs to you, get mad at it, etc. Because one bad experience can undo years of training.

Don’t do things to your dog that it doesn’t like after saying “come here”, such as bathing it, cutting its nails, picking its ears, etc. “Come here” must be associated with something pleasant.

So don’t give instructions when doing something the dog doesn’t like, just walk up to the dog and grab it. When the dog cooperates with you to complete these things it does not like, remember to praise and even reward it.

9.If the dog does not listen at all after breaking free from the leash, then start training “come” again until it has a firm grasp.

This instruction is very important, take your time, don’t rush.

10.This password should be continuously consolidated throughout the dog’s life.

If you take your dog for a walk without a leash, put some food in the bag so that you can repeat this command during your usual walks.

You also need to teach it a free activity password, such as “go play” and the like. Let it know that it can do what it wants without being around you until you give it new instructions.

11.Let the dog feel that it is a very pleasant thing to be with you, instead of putting on a leash and doing things he doesn’t want to do as long as he is with you. Over time, the dog will become less and less willing to respond to your “coming”. So bark the dog every now and then, praise him, and let him “go play.”

12.Let the dog get used to being held by you on the tactical dog collar.Every time it walks up to you, you subconsciously grab its collar. That way it won’t make a fuss if you suddenly grab its collar.

When you bend over to reward him for “coming,” remember to also grab his tactical dog collar before giving him a treat. Attach the leash occasionally when grabbing the collar, but not every time. Of course, you can also tie it up for a while and then let it go free. The leash must be associated with something pleasant, such as going out to play. Can not have any connection with unpleasant things.

The core points and principles of this method of training dogs:

1.Be sure to determine an important password: choose an important password, such as “come here”, and let the dog understand the meaning and importance of this password.

2.Encourage and reward: Use positive voices and expressions to encourage the dog to run towards you, and press the clicker to praise and reward it in time, so that the dog can understand the positive result of responding to the command.

3.No negative emotions: During the training process, avoid getting angry or criticizing the dog when saying “come here”, so as to avoid negative associations and maintain a positive atmosphere for training.

4.Closely associate with pleasant things: associate the “come” command with pleasant things, avoid associating it with unpleasant experiences, and keep the dog’s positive response to commands.

5.Restart the training: If the dog does not obey the command without the chain, you can start the training again. The command “come here” is very important, you need to take it slowly, don’t rush for success.

6.Continuous reinforcement training: run the command “come” throughout the dog’s life, and through continuous repetition and consolidation training, the dog will always be able to respond to this important command.

Note: As professional dog trainers, we would like to remind owners that every dog is different, so the training method should be adjusted and adapted according to your dog’s personality, breed and training progress. To ensure the smooth and effective training process.

Questions and answers about training your dog to come to you

Q1: How to train a dog to return to its owner?

Dogs can be trained to return to their owners by using passwords and rewards. Establish an important command, such as “come here,” and use the command after you have attracted the dog’s attention, then promptly praise and reward the dog’s response.


Q2: Why is indoor training important?

A: Indoor training reduces distractions and makes it easier for your dog to focus. At the same time, training indoors provides a safer and controlled environment that helps build trust and a bond between dog and owner.


Q3: How to attract the dog’s attention to make it run towards the owner?

A: You can use things your dog likes, gestures or sounds to attract your dog’s attention. You can call the dog’s name, open your hands, use barking toys, etc. to arouse the dog’s interest and encourage it to run towards the owner.


Q4: How to ensure that the dog understands and responds to the password?

A: After the dog runs to the owner, press the clicker in time and praise and reward the dog’s response with a happy tone. Repeated use of the command “come” reinforces the dog’s understanding and response to the command, and continues to praise and reward the dog for correct behavior during the training process.


Q5: How to improve the dog’s reaction distance to the “come” command?

A: Gradually increase the length of the leash to allow the dog to run back from a longer distance. It is also possible to perform training without a leash in a closed place to increase the recall distance. In addition, a companion can be added to the training, alternating between the two of you calling the command, and having the dog run back and forth for added distance and a distraction challenge.


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