How to train a dog to "get down" or "lie down"

How to train a dog to “get down” or “lie down”?-Dog Training (6)

1.Use food or toys to attract attention: First, use food or toys to attract the dog’s attention and let him focus on you. Then, have your dog look at the food or toy, move it up and down, and place it close to the ground between its legs. This will guide the dog to get down naturally.

2.Traction rope auxiliary training: If the dog does not make the movement of lying down, you can gently pull down the dog leash to make it lie down. If this still doesn’t work, place your hands on the dog’s neck slowly and with some force, but pay attention. Once the dog gets down, give praise and reward in time.

3.Guidance and gesture training: When the dog can complete the lying action under the induction, we need to gradually remove the food or toys and use gestures to guide it. Straighten your palms, palms down, parallel to the ground, and move down from the front of your waist to one side. When the dog gradually adapts to your gestures, add the password “get down”. Praise and reward your dog as soon as his belly is on the ground. Dogs are good at reading body language and can quickly understand your gestures.

Below we will explain in detail the specific steps of this dog training method

After the pet dog learns to “sit down”, “lying down” will not be too difficult, but it still needs to be induced.

1.First use food or toys to attract the dog’s attention. After successfully attracting the dog’s attention, the owner squats in front of the dog, moves the food from top to bottom in front of the dog’s eyes, puts the food or toy close to the ground, and puts it on it. between your legs; its head will definitely follow your hand, and its body will naturally move. When the dog is about to touch the ground, the dog’s posture will naturally change to lying down. When the dog is about to lie down, the owner orders “Lie down!” reward it.

2.If the dog does not make the movement of lying down, you can gently pull it down with the help of the traction rope to make it lie down. If the dog still doesn’t get down, you can take a slightly forceful method, and slowly press down on the dog’s neck with your hands to pay attention. Once your dog does it, reward him!

(At this time, if you put it on a tactical dog harness, it will look very cool)

3.When the dog gets down, praise it promptly and vigorously, and give it food or toys; but you must wait until the dog gets down completely, otherwise it may misinterpret your intention.

4.Once it can complete this action under induction, we have to remove the food or toys and use gestures to guide it.

Straighten your palms, palms down, parallel to the ground, and move from the front of your waist down to one side. When the dog gradually adapts to your gestures, add the command “get down”, and immediately praise the dog’s stomach as soon as it sticks to the ground; dogs are very good at understanding body language and can quickly understand your gestures .

5.When it has mastered the command “getting down”, pause for a few seconds, let it maintain this posture for a period of time, and then praise and reward it.

If it jumps up to eat, never give it. Otherwise, what you reward is its last action before feeding.

If the dog does not stick to the completion of the action, just do it all over again from the beginning. As long as you persist, it will understand that what you want is for it to lie on the ground all the time.

6.When the dog has fully mastered the password, you will start giving orders standing up. Otherwise, the dog will only move in the end if you shout the password while gesturing. The training result you want should be that the dog will completely obey the password even if it is separated by a room.

7.Matters needing attention in training

① Do not train lying and sitting together. A smart dog may connect the two together and become a “bad habit” of automatically sitting after lying down, or automatically lying down after sitting down.

②After the dog lies down, if the hind legs are crooked, the dog owner should correct it in time and help it make the correct posture.

Core points and principles:

1.Use induction and guidance: let the dog lie down naturally by attracting the dog’s attention and using appropriate guidance.

2.Praise and reward in time: Praise and reward the dog immediately when it lies down, so as to strengthen the enthusiasm for correct behavior.

3.Gradual training: Gradually cancel the external assistance, let the dog gradually complete the lying down independently.

4.Pay attention to the correct posture: Make sure the dog’s posture is correct. If the hind legs are skewed, correct it in time to help it make the correct posture.


1.Training a dog to “get down” or “lie down” is an important step in cultivating dog obedience and establishing a good training foundation. By phasing out external assistance through the use of food, toys, and gesture guidance, we can help dogs master these movements. The key is to attract the dog’s attention, let it lie down naturally, and give timely praise and rewards when it is performed correctly.

2.During the training process, we need to maintain patience and persistence. Each dog has different learning progress, so we need to adjust the training plan according to their individual differences. Progressive training and the gradual removal of external assistance can help the dog to gradually complete the movement independently. In addition, we must also pay attention to the correctness of the dog’s posture, ensure that its hind legs are not skewed, and correct it in time.

3.Through correct training methods and dedicated guidance, we can cultivate obedient and well-behaved pet dogs, and establish good communication and interaction with dogs. Building a relationship of trust and cooperation with your dog is crucial during training. As long as we maintain patience, persist in training, and give the dog sufficient praise and rewards, our pet dog will be able to master the command of “getting down” or “lying down” and show excellent training results.

Questions and answers about training your dog to “get down” or “lie down”

Q1: Why do you want to train your dog to “get down” or “lie down”?

A: Training dogs to “get down” or “lie down” can cultivate their obedience and coordination ability, and it is also the basis of training, which helps to establish a good training foundation.


Q2: How to make the dog gradually complete the action independently?

A: We can gradually cancel external assistance, such as gesture guidance and passwords, so that the dog can gradually complete the “getting down” or “lying down” action independently.


Q3: How to prolong the time for the dog to keep the lying down position?

A: During training, we can gradually prolong the time for the dog to keep the prone position, starting with a short time, and then gradually increasing until the dog can keep it stable for a long time.


Q4: How long does it take to train a dog to master the action of “getting down” or “lying down”?

A: The learning progress of each dog is different, and the time required will also vary. Some dogs may only need a few sessions to master, while others may require more time and patience. It is important to be consistent with the training and to adjust the training plan according to the dog’s ability to learn.


Q5: How to prevent dogs from connecting “down” and “down” together?

A: During the training process, we need to make sure that “getting down” and “lying down” are carried out separately, so as to prevent the dog from connecting the two actions together. The dog’s understanding and differentiation of each action can be consolidated by gradually introducing new commands and different training situations.

In short, through patience, persistence and correct training methods, we can train our pet dogs to successfully master the “getting down” or “lying down” action. This will help develop your dog’s obedience and coordination and provide a solid foundation for further training. Establishing a good communication and cooperation relationship with dogs will allow us to build a deeper friendship and trust with our dogs.


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